Regulations and policies

Regulations for digital courses - Osher Dvir 
Please read these regulations carefully from time to time, as changes may apply. The date of application of the change will be the date of publication of the updated version of the regulations on the website for the first time, and any action performed on the website after such publication will be subject to the updated regulations. For any question, you can contact the website operator by contacting the website.

You are browsing the website (hereinafter: "the website") owned by Osher Dvir (hereinafter: "the website operator" and/or "the company" and/or "the business").

The use of the site and its contents can be used as they are in accordance with the decisions of the site operator. The use of the contents presented on the site, in the courses and the various products offered by the company will be done at the sole responsibility of the user.

The use of the site is subject to the regulations on this page. It is important to be careful and review the regulations, since joining indicates your agreement to the terms of the regulations detailed below, including the company's privacy policy. The user's confirmation that he has read and agreed to the provisions of the regulations and that he and/or anyone on his behalf and/or on his behalf will not have any claim against the website operator.

It is the user's responsibility to ensure a continuous connection to the Internet during viewing. The user is aware that the company will not be held responsible if the viewing rates do not work or the viewing is accompanied by interruptions as a result of technical malfunctions in the user's computer/internet network/internet browser or internet provider.

Every place in these regulations where the masculine gender is used, it refers to both women and men. The use of the masculine language is for convenience only.

Limitation of Liability
In no case will Osher Dvir be held liable for any direct, indirect, special, punitive, accidental, exemplary or consequential damages, or for any damage whatsoever, even if Osher Dvir was informed in the past of the possibility of such damage, whether by doing under a contract, by default or In any other way, out of or in connection with the use, the inability to use, or the functioning of the information services, and the materials available from this website. THESE LIMITATIONS APPLY NOTWITHSTANDING ANY FAILURE OF A MATERIAL PURPOSE OF ANY LIMITED REMEDY.

the product
The product includes a course dealing with game development, which gave its users the knowledge and tools to implement game development and use the Unreal Engine 5 graphics engine.

Purchase on the website
By actually making the purchase on the website, you declare and undertake that you are 18 years old and have a valid credit card or paypal user. If you intend to transfer the use of the purchased product to a minor under the age of 18, you declare that you understand that all dealings with the website operator will be done through you and with your approval and you will not have any claim regarding the legal competence of the transaction operator.

delivery terms
The product will be delivered upon completion of the purchase and up to 24 hours after the completion of the purchase. The digital course will open for the buyer on the user who registered with him and the login information will be sent to the email address you entered during registration.

Payment, warranty, and transaction cancellation for all digital courses

In accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law, 1981. and the Consumer Protection Regulations (Cancellation of Transaction), 2010 (hereinafter: "Consumer Protection Law").

The course is digital in terms of material that can be copied / duplicated / viewed again, therefore the transaction cannot be canceled once it has been made. If you wish to retain the right to cancel a transaction - you are requested not to purchase the course and not to receive the password to view the course materials.

without detracting from the above, in the event that factors and/or events beyond the control of the website owner and/or its operators will delay and/or prevent the sale of the products in full or in part, and in any way, and/or the delivery of the products published on the website at the appointed times, and /or if malfunctions in the computer and/or telephone systems and/or any other communication factor affect the completion of the purchase process, and/or if due to hostilities and/or a strike and/or shutdown and/or mobilization of reserves on a special scale and/or any other factor If force majeure prevents and/or damages the process of purchasing the products and/or the delivery of the products and/or if there are changes in the tax rates and/or levies applicable to the products between the date of publication of the product for purchase and the date of delivery planned according to the terms of the purchase of the product, the company may notify on canceling the purchase, in whole or in part.

Use of the website and content
Osher Dvir strives to maintain an adequate and safe level of operation of the website, the products and services provided therein.

The user declares that he knows that the following actions in relation to the username and password assigned to him are strictly prohibited and constitute misuse that exposes the user to a civil lawsuit:

Transferring the username and/or password to a third party, whether in return or not;
selling the username and/or password to a third party;
Providing access to the website content to a third party using the username and password.
The user declares that he knows that the unauthorized transfer and/or use and/or sale of confidential information, as defined below, to any third party is strictly prohibited and constitutes misuse which exposes the user to a civil lawsuit.

The user is required to report any problem, malfunction or any violation of these terms of use, including infringement of rights.

Osher Dvir reserves the right not to allow a user to participate in the content offered by him, including courses, at his sole discretion.

Misuse of course content
The website operator worked hard to record and broadcast the course offered on the website.
The consumer declares that he knows that the following actions are strictly prohibited and constitute misuse that exposes the consumer to a civil lawsuit: copy and/or reproduce and/or distribute and/or publish and/or use the contents presented on the site and/or do any action on them, directly or indirectly , which constitutes a violation or damage to the intellectual property of the website operator, unless the website operator has expressly permitted this in writing and in advance, the business will limit any action of a consumer and/or suspend any action of a consumer and/or remove information uploaded by a consumer and/or prevent access of a consumer and will take technological and legal steps to protect his rights and/or those of third parties.

The consumer is required to report any problem, malfunction or any violation of these terms of use, including violation of rights.

The business reserves the right not to allow access to the contents or the participation of a consumer in the contents offered by it, including courses, at its sole discretion.

International use of the site
In light of the global nature of the Internet, you declare that any action taken in front of the site, is not contrary to the laws of the place where you are located.

Intellectual Property
The site itself and all the pages on it are the property of Osher Dvir. Do not copy and/or publish any part of the pages without the express consent of the company.

All intellectual property rights on the website including its name, design, content, application, computer code and any other material contained therein, the company's name, registered and unregistered trademarks are the exclusive property of the company. All other marks found on the site are proprietary trademarks of their respective owners. No action will be taken that may harm the aforementioned property rights.

The site and the content appearing on it are protected by the copyright laws of the State of Israel, international conventions and copyright laws of other countries. The content on the website is for your private and non-commercial use only. You agree to subject yourself to the terms of use that the company will include, along with the material and content that will be displayed on the site.

The company reserves the right to decide to renew videos or distribute free content.

The user declares that she is aware that any information of any kind, as well as any work method, drawings, methods, records, documents, lesson plans, presentations, lecture content, marketing email drafts, advertising campaigns, landing pages, gift booklets, processes, specifications, plans, proposals, documents, information and technical, economic, commercial, technological, statistical, theoretical, practical and/or other data and/or any other information to which it was exposed that is transmitted as part of the use of the website and/or during the program, whether orally and whether in writing and/or in any other medium, as well as any information related to the company, its businesses, services, products, customers, plans and/or professional, business and commercial secrets that have come and/or will come to the knowledge is confidential information (hereinafter: "Confidential Information") , which fully belongs to Osher Dvir.

It is clear to the user that all the information disclosed to him as part of the website and/or the program and/or the course and the intellectual property rights, including designs, copyrights, patents and inventions, trademarks and trade names, trade secrets and confidential information, in any material presented to him as part of and during the course and/ or the use of the website are the exclusive and full property of Osher Dvir, and the user does not acquire any right of any kind in the confidential information and/or in these contents and/or in the intellectual property rights inherent in this information and contents and that all these intellectual property rights belong to the company.

Any part of the protected material may not be copied, distributed, presented publicly, translated or given to a third party without obtaining Osher Dvir's express written consent in advance.

By accepting the terms of use, the user declares that she is aware that the information and methods to which she was exposed in the website's content, including the course, may be trade secrets, as stated above, which are protected by copyright and/or any other law, and undertakes not to transfer and/or disclose and/or do Any use of them is prohibited.

The user undertakes not to work and/or provide services to competitors in the field for 6 months from the moment of purchasing the course. For this matter, the field of non-competition is hereby defined as publishing a course and/or book and/or booklet and/or guide and/or bulletin in the field of game development.

Detailed occupations/employers require prior written approval from the company.

The user undertakes not to provide these services on his own or through a family member, company, partner or any other party on his behalf.

Legal Proceedings
These terms of use and any other agreement created by Osher Dvir related to the use of the website, will be subject to the laws of the State of Israel only.

The interpretation and enforcement of these regulations and/or any action or conflict arising from it will be done in accordance with Israeli law and will be subject to the laws of the State of Israel. Jurisdiction to discuss any case of dispute - will be given to the court in Tel Aviv only.

You agree to indemnify and compensate the company, its employees, managers, shareholders or anyone on their behalf for any damage, loss, loss of profit, payment or expense incurred by them, including attorney's fees and court costs, due to a violation of these terms of use.

Approval of the terms of use
The user confirms that he has carefully read the terms of use and the sales page, and if necessary consulted with the professional parties regarding their acceptance, because they are clear to him that he accepts what is stated in them, and that she will not have any claims and/or claims against the company in connection with them.

The company team wishes you a pleasant and pleasant browsing and use!