Tasks to submit -

Congratulations on finishing the first part!
And now some tasks for practice -
Complete the instructions, upload a zip file of the assignment to receive a grade and evaluation!

1) Design your own map that includes models (at least 4 models from the Starter Content and 2 from Wixel and 1 from the Internet) (20 points)
2) Make the map look nice and include lighting (20 points)
3) Create 2 Lit materials as you wish (10 points)
4) Create 2 Unlit Materials as you wish (10 points)
5) 2 Translucent Materials (10 points) 
6) Upload a video of your game without a code (20 points)
7) Metahuman (10 points)
8) Upload videos and photos of your work here in the comments (15 points - can exceed 100 up to a score of 115 for an extra score!)


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