Download and recognize the graphic engine - Enril Engine 5
Time for some codes!
Time for some change!
Access to other blueprints and timelines
Creating our first game!
User Interface - Widgets
Advanced exercises!
Functions and events in less than a minute
Fruit Ninja - time to create one of the most successful games in history
Time for an RPG project!!!
Character blueprint overview
Time for our own character!
Creating the enemy in the game!
Creating a new map and placing the enemies there

Tasks to submit -

Congratulations on finishing the first part!
And now some tasks for practice -
Complete the instructions, upload a zip file of the assignment to receive a grade and evaluation!

1) Design your own map that includes models (at least 4 models from the Starter Content and 2 from Wixel and 1 from the Internet) (20 points)
2) Make the map look nice and include lighting (20 points)
3) Create 2 Lit materials as you wish (10 points)
4) Create 2 Unlit Materials as you wish (10 points)
5) 2 Translucent Materials (10 points) 
6) Upload a video of your game without a code (20 points)
7) Metahuman (10 points)
8) Upload videos and photos of your work here in the comments (15 points - can exceed 100 up to a score of 115 for an extra score!)


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