Download and recognize the graphic engine - Enril Engine 5
Time for some codes!
Time for some change!
Access to other blueprints and timelines
Creating our first game!
User Interface - Widgets
Advanced exercises!
Functions and events in less than a minute
Fruit Ninja - time to create one of the most successful games in history
Time for an RPG project!!!
Character blueprint overview
Time for our own character!
Creating the enemy in the game!
Creating a new map and placing the enemies there

Tasks to submit - variable programming

Wow friends! Variables, lots of information, lots of information, everything has evolved a bit, when do you use what and how?!
Don't worry, little by little we will understand better and better what we are doing 😉

So let's get started!

1) Create a blueprint containing a cube, 3 seconds after the blueprint appeared on the map it will start to go up every frame at a rate of 5 units per frame (25 points)
2) Create a blueprint containing a cube, the cube will express an elevator but not vertically but - horizontally! It will move in its x-axis to position 2000, after reaching position 2000 it will move in its x-axis to position 500 all at a speed of 15 units per frame. (25 points)
3) Create a blueprint that contains a cube, after touching the cube it will start moving to the right at a speed of 1 unit per frame every frame, when we touch it again it will stop moving, actually touching the object will turn on and off its movement.
In the tests you perform, remember to jump on the head of the cube and not touch it (when we jump on the head it will trigger the event hit only once, compared to when we touch it it can trigger the event hit many times).
Watch the students' answers to understand better. (25 points)

4) Create BluePrint, through the construction script, create 100 cubes, each cube will receive a random position, a random angle and a random size (25 points)

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