Download and recognize the graphic engine - Enril Engine 5
Time for some codes!
Time for some change!
Access to other blueprints and timelines
Creating our first game!
User Interface - Widgets
Advanced exercises!
Functions and events in less than a minute
Fruit Ninja - time to create one of the most successful games in history
Time for an RPG project!!!
Character blueprint overview
Time for our own character!
Creating the enemy in the game!
Creating a new map and placing the enemies there

Tasks to submit 2-

And friends, we have reached the programming part! If you have a little trouble not worrying, programming does not come instantly, and together we will build logical thinking and an understanding of howThink running everything!
Record the answer either in writing or a screenshot if it is necessary to make a code.

Complete the instructions, upload a zip file of the task in order Get graded and evaluated!

1) Create a blueprint eContains a cube, the cube every given frame will add about 3 units (10 points) to its angle in the z-axis

2) Create a blueprint containing a circle and a cube, every time something touches the cube the circle will go up 10 units (10 points)

3) Create a blurfint containing a cube
a) Later 3 seconds after her appearance, she will increase by 100 units (5 points)

b) Later 3 more seconds she will turn 45 degrees in the x-axis (5 points)

c) And his backAnother second she will run a physics simulation and replace her material with another material. (5 points)

4) Verbally explain the code sequence that appears here step aStep by step - when it will happen and what will happen (15 points)תרגיל 1

5) Write down the specific role of each of the following points (25 points)-




6) Create a cube that moves every frame by 10 units on the x-axis, after passing position 500 on the x-axis it will return to position 0 on the x-axis and repeat itself. (25 points)


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