Download and recognize the graphic engine - Enril Engine 5
Time for some codes!
Time for some change!
Access to other blueprints and timelines
Creating our first game!
User Interface - Widgets
Advanced exercises!
Functions and events in less than a minute
Fruit Ninja - time to create one of the most successful games in history
Time for an RPG project!!!
Character blueprint overview
Time for our own character!
Creating the enemy in the game!
Creating a new map and placing the enemies there

Tasks to submit – Enum, Forloop, Events, Macros, Findlookat

1) Create an empty blueprint, create a function in it that accepts 3 numbers and returns their combination (25 points)
2) a) Create a blueprint that contains a cube, create a macro in it that receives a number, it waits (delay) according to the number it received and after it has finished waiting it will repeat the same operation several times (for loop) according to the number it received and in each of the repetitions it will create the blueprint of himself again on the map in a random place (spawn actor from class) (note that as time goes by it gets heavier, be ready to stop the running of the project so it doesn't crash!) (15 points)
b) An explanation of why we were created again and again without pause more and more from the blueprint
3) Create a blueprint containing a cube, create an Enum containing states - Left, Right, Forward, Backwards Up, Down
Every time we touch the cube it will go from state to another state
According to the order Left->Right->Forward->Backgwards->Up->Down
Each given frame the cube will move by one unit according to the state it is in (if Left state then move left, if Forward then forward) (25 points)
4) Create a blueprint, the blueprint will contain static components that represent a funny face (you can add 2 spheres for the eyes, a large cube for the face and a small cube for the mouth, although I think you will be creative!), the face will always change in angle so that they always look in the opposite direction from the player and try to hide themselves. (25 points)

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