Download and recognize the graphic engine - Enril Engine 5
Time for some codes!
Time for some change!
Access to other blueprints and timelines
Creating our first game!
User Interface - Widgets
Advanced exercises!
Functions and events in less than a minute
Fruit Ninja - time to create one of the most successful games in history
Time for an RPG project!!!
Character blueprint overview
Time for our own character!
Creating the enemy in the game!
Creating a new map and placing the enemies there

Tasks to submit - GAOC, Arrays, Inheritance

1) Make 2 blueprints
The first blueprint will contain a cube and the second a circle,
When we touch one of the blueprints it will access (get actor of class) the other blueprint (the one we didn't touch) and change its shape - if it is a cube it will become a circle and if it is a circle it will become a cube
2) Create a blueprint that contains an array that includes 10 numbers and name numbers ranging from positive to negative 10 (minus 10 to 10)
The code will count how many numbers are less than 0, how many are greater than 0 and how many are equal to the number 0 and return it to us in Print string
3) Create a bloorfint containing a cube,
Place 10 of it on the map
With the help of another blueprint, access all the blueprints of this type that exist on the map (get actors of class)
If their position in the array is less than 5, they will receive a certain material, and if greater than 5, they will receive a different material
In addition, only position 7 in the array will receive another material
And position 3 will change its size to 2,2,2
4) You create an Open World game that includes 5 types of players
Enemy bow, enemy melee, enemy mage and two characters that the player can play - a mage and a fighter
Create a diagram showing the hierarchy that you think is the most correct to create an inheritance between them (in each part of the inheritance hierarchy, write down at least 2 features and 2 behaviors like here -


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